Driver Logbook

driver logbook

Driver logbook App

The driver logbook or electronic truck logbook applications are FMCSA compliant as long as they are part of the ELD system. In this case, 2BRO IT SOLUTION offers the ELD device together. With the application where you can get a monthly maintenance service. Currently we offer the change to our services free of charge and without any additional cost.

Please note that if you have an e-log application service, you are not compliant.

How to choose a logbook or e-log application?

When choosing the right e-log application, there are a few essential things the driver should consider before the final purchase.

Adequate support

One of the most important things to consider, when selecting an electronic registration application and the driver logbook is whether there is adequate support. This means having someone you can call or chat online to help you with any questions or concerns related to your application. Some applications may come without adequate support, making it difficult for drivers to get the support they need when they really need it. Not having the proper support can put the driver at risk of making errors in your data. When analyzing your options, be sure to ask if there are real-life support agents available 7 days a week to help you.

Easy to use

Possibly one of the most important things to consider when choosing an electronic log is whether or not it is easy to use. The worst thing for any driver is to purchase an application that is too complicated to understand and use. By purchasing an application that is difficult to use, you can be left with some serious repercussions. For starters, it can take a lot of time, give inaccurate data readings, and create a lot of problems for you in the long run. When analyzing your options, be sure to choose an application that is simple and easy to use with your driver logbook. This will ensure that you can do your job, record your data correctly and avoid unnecessary problems.

Driver logbook Review revisions

Before making your final decision, be sure to check out the reviews on the electronic registry application you are considering purchasing. Reading reviews is a simple and effective way to make sure you are making a wise decision. All you have to do is read what other drivers have experienced when using this same e-logbook app. Be sure to pay close attention to the usability of the hardware, and also pay close attention to whether or not any undesirable aspects accompany the hardware. If the hardware has a lot of negative reviews, it is probably not right for you. Take your time, check the reviews and make a smart and calculated decision.

When choosing an electronic logbook application, there are some red flags that you will need to pay attention to before making your final decision, such as:

Long contracts – For some drivers, they may be limited to long and very expensive contracts. This can make it difficult if the driver decides they don’t like the hardware or would like to try something new.

Little or no experience: Any vendor that developed in a year or two years can be considered to have little or no experience. This means that they do not have adequate support and may also present many problems. It is best to avoid these types of suppliers.

Benefits offered by 2BRO IT SOLUTION

2BRO IT SOLUTION’s electronic logbook or logbook provides electronic logbook applications and hardware for the transportation industry. There are several benefits you can get by obtaining this service.

No contracts: One of the most important benefits of using 2BRO IT SOLUTION is that there are no contracts. For many drivers, they find that being locked into a lengthy contract with an electronic logbook application creates many unwanted problems.

Hassle-free returns: It is important to have the ability to test an electronic logbook application.

Free Demos: At 2BRO IT SOLUTION we offer free demos of our electronic logbook or logbook for those drivers who are unsure about making the purchase. This free demo will allow you to try out the electronic logbook applications without the purpose of purchasing. This is very convenient for drivers who are still undecided and need a little more reassurance before making their final decision.

Dedicated support: Another benefit of using the e-logbook with the app is its dedicated support team. One of the most important things drivers should consider: When buying an electronic logbook app is whether it comes with the right support. With us you can have peace of mind when it comes to troubleshooting any problems or queries as we offer 24-hour support.