2BRO IT Solutions allows you to track your entire fleet from your device, a system that is more than necessary if you want to offer better services to your clients.

Maximise your productivity

Take advantage of our GPS and avoid unnecessary incidents. Smart working is everything to reduce costs and provide exclusive services and improve your customer relations. Provide real-time tracking from anywhere with our 2BRO GPS & IT SOLUTION.


Check your fleet

With 2BRO & IT SOLUTIONS GPS you can check the location of your trucks, secure future events and control the delivery time from your mobile.

gps truck

Acces your employees

Access your employees in real time. Manage your business from your device. You can know the information of your vehicles from anywhere.

libro electronico logbook

Tracking and monitoring

Track the path and directions your drivers took to ensure maximum efficiency within your services.

GPS - Visibility Centre

GPS vehicle tracking enables fleet management professionals to make better use of their fleet vehicles and equipment to improve employee safety, enhance efficiency and increase productivity. All while reducing operating costs. It is becoming essential and integral to creating a safer fleet and providing a more efficient service.

Sensor de temperatura truck

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